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About the Dells

what are the granite dells?

Prescott’s Granite Dells define the heartland of Yavapai County. Their formations compose a geologically and ecologically unique area of national park quality. It is a wonderland of peaks, boulders, and creek beds interspersed with open flats, geologically defined as “dells.”


These dells are sheltered by unusual, varied formations and textures that attract and nurture a rich complex of biodiversity. The Dells rock formations define Willow Lake and Watson Lake to the south and west and emerge from Glassford Hill to the east composing what some consider the Central Park of Yavapai County’s Mogollon Highlands.


Over decades, its essential character has been threatened by development. Save the Dells seeks expanding the protected land in the Granite Dells, into the Granite Dells Regional Park and Preserve.

People biking in Granite Dells


Easy-to-difficult walking, jogging, and mountain biking trails offer opportunities to enjoy yourself at any level. Save the Dells and others want to see the acquisition of yet more open space and establishment of more trails.

Wood Duck in Granite Dells


Here is central Arizona's most accessible destinations for wildlife observation. The land is not just scenery. It is alive! Dramas large and small play out every minute in the wild lives of the Granite Dells.

People boating on Watson Lake


Serene lakes for paddling, birdwatching, and fishing include a backdrop that is unrivaled. Initiated by spring and winter precipitation, ephemeral streams, such as Boulder Creek come alive with tumbling water.

wide open spaces

People walking on Peavine Trail

Open space is an integral part of America's national, local and state heritage due to ecological importance, historical significance, and ability to sustain our spirit. Here in the Granite Dells, open public parkland is protected within a predominantly human-centered landscape--something to cherish and expand!

Women sitting on rocks


With more than 500 established sport, traditional, and bouldering routes, there is something for every level of climber to experience. As more land is acquired, more routes will be added.

Two children on rock at lake

something for everyone

Visit and protect the Prescott area's greatest natural treasure and support the efforts of Save the Dells and others who advocate for more land and sky to enjoy. Consider making a contribution to keep this work going strong!

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